Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flower Ovary

The specimen is the passion flower. I found it in a flower shop in San Francisco. The passion flower contains the ovary, which is the green circle in the image above. The flower ovary is the ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit.

bilateral symmetry

              This specimen is a moth, and I found it at a neighborhood park. This moth relates to the term because the the patterns on the wings are 1 example of bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is the property of being divisible into symmetrical halves on either side of a unique plane.

radial symmetry

           This specimen is a jellyfish, and I found it when I was in Korea  The structure of a jellyfish is in radial symmetry because most jellyfishes have four canals. A radial symmetry is a  symmetrical arrangement of constituents, especially of radiating parts, about a central point.


      This specimen is aloe vera, and it was found in my balcony. Aloe vera is a plant that grows through sunlight, aka photosynthesis. An autotroph is an organism capable of synthesizing its own frood from inorganic substances, using light or chemical energy.


       This specimen is a rabbit and it was found at Griffith Park. A rabbit is a heterotroph because its an animal. A heterotroph is an organism that can not synthesize its own food and is dependent on complex organic substances for nutrition.


              This specimen is a penguin, and I found it at Seaworld. Penguins are endothermic animals because they are birds. Endotherm is an organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature, typically above the temperature of its surroundings.

analogous structure

           The specimen is a shark dorsal fin and dolphin dorsal fin. They were both found at Sea world, and they are analogous structures. They're analogous structures because the fins are very similar to each other yet they come from different ancestors. Analogous structures are structures of different species that has similar or corresponding function, but they're not from the same evolutionary origin.